Work with UHS Digital

My UHS Digital story

Hear from our staff in their own words about life as a digital healthcare professional.

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Becky’s Story

Becky is a Senior Digital Project Manager with UHS Digital.

Here she talks about the wide variety of clinical staff she works with and how her job takes her into many different areas of the hospital.

Natalie’s Story

Natalie has explored many career paths: call centre staff, backpacker hostel manager, and even limousine driver for a skydive company!

But now she works with us as a Digital Project Manager on My Medical Record, our electronic patient record app.

Find out more about her career path – many of our staff come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds.

Ben’s Story

Here’s Ben, Training and Communications Lead with UHS Digital.

Their mission is to make sure that clinical staff like doctors and nurses can get the most out of the state-of-the-art digital and technical systems our teams build.

They make use of their communication skills and talent for words to help clinicians hit the ground running with all the latest apps and services.

Emma’s Story

Meet Emma, one of our Digital Services Developments managers.

Her path to a career as a digital healthcare professional may surprise you…


Michelle’s Story

Michelle talks about her experiences as a Technical Solutions Analyst, working on vital systems used by medical staff and patients at the hospital.

She discusses the challenges, satisfaction and opportunities she finds in her work at University Hospital Southampton.